Our Mission

To cultivate a healthy and safe community at the Village of Valor, that inspires self-reliance, growth and optimism for our veterans and their families. To restore hope for those who served our country with honor and dignity.

Mission And Vision Vov Building Rendering

Our Vision

The Village of Valor will be far more than a standard housing complex. It will be a community that promotes an environment where residents receive encouragement, support, and services to improve the quality of their lives. A place where Veterans can achieve their full potential. The services of this community will be coordinated to provide an integrated approach to stabilization, education, and successful realization of goals, which begins by using the Housing First Model.

Housing First is based on the idea that a household’s primary need is stable, secure housing. Once this is achieved, other issues which affect the household can be better addressed. The second element incorporates supportive services and education into the daily lives of the residents, in such areas as health, nutrition and fitness along with opportunities for social interaction. The third component focuses on completing the transformation with vocational and financial training toward the goal of moving onto financial self-sufficiency and possibly home ownership. The Village of Valor will be a community which fosters hope and supports Veterans and their families with services and education to build a solid foundation from which to grow and succeed.

Mission And Vision Vov Site Plan
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